3D scanning is not just for the pros. Many homeowners and renters want to create immersive digital twins of their homes to help them with design and improvement projects, document their possessions for insurance, preserve memories, or just to share.

Instantly capture and share any space to drive rentals, e-commerce, home sales, and just for fun.

See it for yourself

Viewers are shown to be 300% more engaged with a OCA 3D virtual tour than they are with 2D imagery.

We are leading the digital transformation of the built world, changing how homes are bought and sold, retail stores are planned out, hotels or vacation homes are marketed, facilities are managed, or design and construction projects are completed.


The ideal 3D tour for homeowners


Share home improvement ideas


Promote your property listing


Advertise your vacation rental or sublet

Let’s get you started

For estimates or a free in-home consultation, fill out the form below and we will get in contact with you. You can also give us a call or email us.

Email: info@oca.construction
Phone: (786) 9093701

Give us a call or drop by anytime, we endeavour to answer all enquiries within 12 hours on business days.

1790 NW 108th Ave Unit 102 – Miami, FL 33172

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    Bathroom RemodelingFlooring RemodelingKitchen RemodelingOther Services


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    Real Projects, Happy Customers.

    We offer competitive pricing, and our in-house installations allow us to maintain control of the quality of our work.

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